Happy Birthday Sonic!

Published on by Wikio Shopping



After 25 years of Mario the last year and those of Zelda in February, is the turn of the world's most famous hedgehog to celebrate its 20th anniversary.

Indeed, the first Sonic game arrived on Sega Megadrive in 1991 and simply called Sonic the Hedgehog. Who does not remember those bright colours and especially the speed game! Sonic has created a new style platform game . This game had many suites on various consoles. The Sega's mascot has seen his games, played only on Sega consoles until 1999 when the first episode was developed on Neo-Geo Pocket. This was followed by the end of Sega as console manufacturer in 2001. Sonic and his friends then join Mario on Nintendo consoles. Since then, Sonic has visited the machines of all brands, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and even Apple with a iPhone version



The next sheet of the Saga's Sonic look forward to resume everything that made the success of the oldest. Sonic Generations should delight those that the transition to 3D could disappoint in the gameplay's hedgehog. The demo has also just been made available on Xbox Live. Here is long awaited game trailer.




Sonic really celebrate his birthday at Japan Expo 2011, so if you want to wish him a happy birthday, you know where to go!

Published on Video games

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